We are a core team of 2 people.

We shepherd the vision of your home from design, budget, construction documents, material procurement, construction process, permitting, inspections, and everything in-between. We work with a tried and true set of sub-contractors that we have longstanding relationships with.

Adam Talianchich

Adam founded Hatch Works after 7 years of building and living in his own homes. During this time, Adam gained first hand experience of most every trade by doing it himself- concrete, framing, electrical, plumbing, and everything in- between. He is a third generation builder, learning and compounding the knowledge from his father and grandfather. After a 10 year career in environmental science, Adam decided to pursue his passion of building homes as a full time business with his wife Ashley. Now, they share their experience of building homes for themselves with others.


Ashley Menger

Ashley co- founded Hatch Works with Adam. She brings her background of architectural drafting and industrial design to focus on the layout and functionality of the house. She is keen to understand how clients live, organize themselves and spend their time, to ensure that a house captures the flow of their lifestyle. Ashley focuses on guiding clients through the intricate decision making process, as building a home is a summation of many decisions. She also specializes in procuring fixtures and unique elements.